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A smorgasbord of February’s free author interviews

All month long this February, we are offering free author interviews. Check out those we’ve already caught up with this month:

Vanessa Perry, author of the upcoming horror novel Wildflowers.

Danielle Larsen, author of the memoir From Voiceless To Vocal, which chronicles the years she spent with an abusive partner.

Paul Hook, author of several novels and short stories.

Bob Stone, young adult and picture book author, and bookshop owner.

R.L. Parker, fantasy author, storyteller, and RPG gamer.

SR Garrae, author of the Casey & Carval crime fiction series.

Kristy Mickelsen, who writes both nonfiction from her real-life experiences as well as fictional romance.

B. Fox, who has just realised their debut novel – Paper Castles.

John Bennardo, who promises to keep you laughing throughout his first full novel.

Ruth Estevez, writer of fiction, upper YA and adult, and lucky enough to be published with three different Northern Indie presses.

Charlie King, who has recently published his first children’s book, Lizzie’s Dream Journal.

Christian Freed, who weaves worlds using use his degree in military history, his personal combat experience, and over 20 years in the active-duty Army.

Robin G. Smith, an enthusiastic writer of fact and fiction books, both for an adult audience and children.

Grace Tierney, whose unusual-word inspired books need checking out, you galoot of a slush-funding idler!

Elizabeth Duffield-Fuller, the author of the upcoming historical romance novel, The Heir of Drymote.

Erik S. Meyers, author of both a business book and an adult LGBTQ historic fiction novel.

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