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Dallas P. Elkheart Interview


The Indie Book Butler Interview – Dallas P. Elkheart

Tell us a little about yourself and your work.

I am an author, creative writer, publisher, former business owner, and teacher. I have won a scholastic literary award for my writing and I carry a heavy background in public and academic speaking. My work in the public sector has been previously showcased through television and newspapers for my expertise. I have always used my environments to teach others how to be more open-minded, prepare for both victories and failures, and about the consequences of making bad decisions.

You’ve got 20 words to sell us on your work. Tempt us.

I write from a third-person view. I tell the story based on the personality of the character and not their intent.

Were there any particular parts of the writing/publishing process that you struggled with?

Not really, because I was a teacher and business owner long before I became an author, therefore, writing, designing, publishing and marketing came somewhat naturally to me as I taught it to many clients and students.

Where do you like to write?

I live on top of a mountain and it overlooks a lush valley below, which is a breath-taking scene.
My office faces one of the mountains with a large window that allows me a perfect view of the sun whether it is rising or setting.

bronze bloodlineIs there anything you must have in order to write?

Yes, coffee, wine, music and my best friend, which happens to be my husband of 28 years.

What books have influenced you most, both as a person and as an author?

Perhaps “Flowers in The Attic”. I formed an attachment to the children, as I could relate to their situation deeply.

What is the one thing that has helped you develop most as an author?

My life and the struggles which showed me that anyone can become a victim, but you will have to become one tough cookie to become victorious.

What do you want to achieve most from your writing?

To tell my stories and share with the world ways to cope with life, stress, defeat and as the underdog, all while doing it with dignity and restraint as they maintain professionalism.

Is there something specific you do to improve your writing?

Yes, everyone needs a devil’s advocate in their corner in order to get better with handling life issues and especially with their writing.

What is the ideal relationship between editor and author?

Ideally, the editor should catch mistakes and correct writing styles (in some cases) as the author may be speaking in the vocabulary of the actual person. The editor should share their impressions about the story or storyline. An editor should not try to change an author’s story without consent first, because the author may be telling the story as it happened. Not everything is fiction.

If you had a direct line to someone who loves or hates your writing, what would you say?

My book may or may not be for everyone. This story happens to be based on a true story; therefore, I wrote it with the intent to share the story and perhaps help someone learn to cope better with life. I will say that, I wrote the book in hopes that the reader will read it with an open mind.

If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

Write from your soul, not your heart. Your soul will pour life into your characters. Tell a story and make the world feel it.

What does your writing future hold for you?

I already have several books in the works. One is a business book that anyone trying to start their own business with less than $2000 and turn it into $500,000 or more, will appreciate. I have a series that I will also be writing. That series will be Fiction.

How have you set about the task of creating enticing cover art?

I think about what the story is about and the message it should portray and then design what I want and send it over to a design person to create the final product.

How often do you read? What genre?

I am not big on reading as my lifestyle has always been overly busy, but when I do read, I enjoy true stories and paranormal books.

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Best of luck in the future.

For more on Dallas and her writing, please do visit:


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