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Laurel Ostiguy Interview


The Indie Book Butler Interview – Laurel Ostiguy

Tell us a little about yourself and your work.

ostiguy 1I have written three books, Last Goodbye, Longing to Be, and Lying in Wait as part of the Onondaga State Series.
Originally from Queensbury, New York—I currently live outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I graduated from Plymouth State University in New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science degree. Within a year of graduation, I moved to Boston to continue my education. I received my Master’s Degree from Northeastern University a few years later. Although I work full time at a financial firm, my passion is writing. I spend as much time as possible promoting and attending book signings and surrounding myself with fellow Indie authors who share my dream. I’m also an avid skier, I love yoga, a nice glass of wine, and spending time with friends and my family. I have Celiac Disease and have been gluten-free for 9 years. My favorite music is Pearl Jam, anything Chris Cornell sang, female singers from the 1990s and the Beastie Boys. I am currently working on the fourth novel in the series.

You’ve got 20 words to sell us on your work. Tempt us.

The series explores the lives of college students in the mid-1990s and how their worlds twist and turn. Some get hurt, some fall in love, some find themselves faced with their worst fears!

Were there any particular parts of the writing/publishing process that you struggled with?

I think originally it was finding good beta readers. Once I found a few people I could rely on, it made the writing and editing process much easier. Now, it is my favorite part of the entire process.

Where do you like to write?

Any place I can find a time to write. I’ll bring my computer with me in the hopes of grabbing some time to write.

Is there anything you must have in order to write?

Aside from my computer, a relatively quiet environment is preferred. I just need space to think clearly and not be distracted.

What books have influenced you most, both as a person and as an author?

I read; The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis and I knew what I wanted to do. It was as simple as that.

What is the one thing that has helped you develop most as an author?

Taking feedback. Nothing is personal. I surround myself with people in the business that are trying to make me better. I look forward to their notes, opinions and advice.

What do you want to achieve most from your writing?

A fan following. I’d love to get to the point where my next release is top of mind for a hungry group of fans to consume.

Is there something specific you do to improve your writing?

ostiguy 2I keep working on it. In fact, I have reworked my first book twice since it was published. I’m always learning and trying to make my work better.

What is the ideal relationship between editor and author?

I’m very lucky. I have used the same editor for years and I trust her fully with my work. She is wonderful, concise, on time, and very professional.

If you had a direct line to someone who loves or hates your writing, what would you say?

Love or hate it, what makes you feel that way? I’d love to hear their feedback and learn from it.

If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

Reach out to a published author and ask them to help you understand the process. I did this and it made the process much less scary.

What does your writing future hold for you?

I’m currently halfway through writing the fourth book in my series — Lessons in Love. My plan is to take the characters through college to graduation. I’m very excited about the fourth book, it is the most risqué out of the four. One of the new characters I have really enjoyed creating and developing. He’s very sexy!

How have you set about the task of creating enticing cover art?

Each cover features one of the main characters. I wanted the eyes to be the focus of the covers and the back to have them looking down…. I think this says a lot about their characters and their lives in college. The mystery, the romance, the sadness and the story behind their eyes is something that comes across in the novels.

How often do you read? What genre?

ostiguy 3I read as often as possible. I enjoy romance and mystery as well as grabbing a magazine for some quick reading. Any time I’m not writing, I’m reading.

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Best of luck in the future.

For more on Laurel and her writing, please visit:


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