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Book of the day: October 22nd 2016

Scissors Sword

scissors sword

The Scissors and the Sword – Supernatural Thriller, Crime

Jessica Cartwright has problems.

Working as a Scene of Crime Officer, she sees the worst that the City of London has to offer, all the while struggling to forge friendships with her new colleagues.

Add two unsolvable crimes – two pairs of iron scissors are recovered from a murder scene in Hyde Park, and an antique sword on display at the British museum spontaneously shatters.

The scissors and the sword confront Jessica with a truth that will challenge her perceptions – one that threatens the lives of everyone in London. Now, she must make a leap of faith, or the city will fall…

…And only ashes will remain.

A supernatural thriller with urban fantasy elements, THE SCISSORS AND THE SWORD is the adventurous, fast-paced debut novel from Ethan Fox!


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