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Christopher Aggett Interview

Christopher Aggett

The Indie Book Butler Interview.

Indie Book Butler: Let’s start things off with an introduction. Tell us a little about yourself for those not already aware of you and your work.

Christopher Aggett: My name is Christopher Aggett. I am 37 and only discovered writing after the death of my grandfather just a few years ago. I was inspired to do more with my life. Despite a proud background in the British Army, I felt I needed more. I had a story that I developed and a year later, I was a self-published author. My first two books are a series. Deep: The Climb of Truth and Deep: The embers of Life. It follows a young woman who has lived a sheltered life and is forced into a city that crumbles around her. She discovers many secrets and challenges. It is only a matter of time until her innocence is lost. I am now writing my third novel which is a horror. I love the story and genuinely think it has great potential. Keep an eye out for The Words of Eleven. And finally, I am the founder and host of The Writing Community Chat Show podcast. It is a live streaming show set out on a mission to help develop and promote authors. We interview indie and establish guests as well as celebrities. It is a genuine honour to have ended up doing this. I feel as though the writing and podcasting path was put in front of me and I never saw it coming. It feels completely right. It is never too late to start.

IBB: You’ve got twenty words to tempt us to read your book(s). What would you say?

A young female protagonist on a journey of survival and self-discovery. Deception, love, war, hope, romance, revenge and zombies.

IBB: Where do you like to write?

I would love in a busy coffee shop with rain pouring down the window. Unfortunately, I live in my world. The world of a tiny desk pushed up against my bedroom wall! It is not ideal, but it works. I will one day have a glorious studio for writing and podcasting!

IBB: Is there anything you must have in order to write?

Yes, since watching Mr Robot I now feel the need to wear my black show hoodie and pull the hood up. I then play a certain music playlist or the sound of rain and thunder to write.

IBB: What books have influenced you most, both as a person and as an author?Deep 1

On a personal level, I loved Max Brookes World War Z. The world-building is incredible. I am currently listening to The Sandman by Neil Gaiman and that has really inspired my writing. His descriptions are mind-blowing.

IBB: What is the one thing that has helped you develop most as an author?

Writing. It sounds silly but I thought my first book was decent enough, and then the second improved much more and now the third is progressing too. Experience and learning is key.

IBB: What do you want to achieve most from your writing?

I still haven’t figured that out. As someone who never intended to write, my goals are different from most. You will have to check-in down the line to see if I have anything specific!

IBB: Have you received a favourite review of your work?

I have. One thing that always bothered me about my series is the editing. I could never afford an editor. Therefore, I was really concerned about readers with a good eye for grammar. I have now had 47 reviews on Amazon for my first book with a rating of 4.6 and only one or two have marked me down for it. My favourite review said “This is such a great read! It reminded me of The Last of Us – it just had that tone and vibe. Fantastic novel and a brilliant debut.” I liked this because I thought The Last of Us had a fantastic story. When I played it, I really did see close connections. I felt like I was playing with my own character!

IBB: Were there any particular parts of the writing/publishing process that you struggled with?

As mentioned above, the editing was tough to start with. As a new writer, once I had finished a few good drafts I assumed I was ready to move on. I was very far from the mark! The work had just begun.

IBB: Is there something specific you do to improve your writing?

I learn. A lot. I always look to other authors for tips. I use YouTube. More importantly, I really listen to the guests on our show. We have had the likes of Ian Rankin, C L Taylor, C J Tudor and many more on the show. Their experience is invaluable.

IBB: What is the ideal relationship between editor and author?

As I mentioned before, there isn’t one. This will change with my third book. Although as someone who wants to learn more and more, I have greatly improved the need. I will view the editing process as a learning curve, not someone improving my work instead of me.

IBB: If you had a direct line to someone who loves or hates your writing, what would you say?Deep 2

If someone loved my writing, I would firstly thank them before asking what they love about it. Similarly with someone who hated it. I appreciate people’s opinions, and I would politely ask what they hated and see if it something I agree with and can improve.

IBB: If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

Do not be an aspiring author. It’s a little peeve of mine. If you want to write, write. A lot of big authors say “Just do it”. It’s the best advice. Don’t over think it. The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now. (Not my quote, but you get the drift)

IBB: What does your writing future hold for you?

Hmmm, that is a tough one. I am working very hard to make the podcast a huge success and be a hub for writers to come to. I would love it to become what I hope for it and my writing would develop. So I guess I would like to turn the show into a business that I could work for full time and write in my spare time.

IBB: How have you set about the task of creating enticing cover art?

Cover art is something I would love. I haven’t done any myself for promotion. I am not good with drawing. I am very creative on a computer. So I have book trailers and poster ads.

IBB: How often do you read? What genre?

I read not nearly as much as I should. Between podcasting, I tend to go for horror thrillers or military types.

IBB: Before we let you escape, it’s your chance to name-drop. Anyone who you feel is deserving of more recognition at present or someone whose writing you have recently enjoyed? Now is your chance to spread the word…

I really think that some of the authors in the writing community on Twitter deserve more recognition. One, in particular, is Halo Scot. Her world-building is great and her writing compliments her dark series. Check out Edge of the Breach.

Thank you for helping authors. We love that and it is our goal too. We hope to see and hear from some of you soon!

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Best of luck in the future.

For more on Christopher and his work, please visit:

The Deep Series

The Writing Community Chat Show podcast


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