Sarah Stein Interview
Indie Book Butler Interview – 2/12/21
Indie Book Butler: Let’s start things off with an introduction. Tell us a little about yourself for those not already aware of you and your work.
Sarah Stein: Sarah Stein is a pseudo name. My initials are T.B. I’ll let you figure out my real name. 😉 I’m the fifth child in a family of five boys and five girls. My parents have been married for forty years and are still going strong. I’m from southern Louisiana but reside in Texas. I have a sixteen-year-old son and a thirteen-year-old daughter. My hubby and I have been married for going on nineteen years. Since I was a teenager, I’ve always loved to write, be it lyrics to music or short stories. I like to dabble in a variety of genres but focus mainly on instalove and contemporary romances. As of right now, I have thirteen novellas published. I’m working on releasing a full-length novel in the next year.
IBB: You’ve got twenty words to tempt us to read your book(s). What would you say?
SS: There’s love at first sight, to whips and knife play. I have a story to fit any fantasy.
IBB: Where do you like to write?
SS: I’m not particularly eager to write on my desktop computer, opting to create tales on my laptop. I also prefer to write in a hotel away from my home. It’s quiet and relaxing.
IBB: Is there anything you must have in order to write?
SS: Alone time. If I’m around others, I can’t seem to focus.
IBB: What books have influenced you most, both as a person and as an author?
SS: I grew up reading the Babysitter Club books. Once I got older, I leaned more toward Danielle Steel and Nora Roberts. Eventually, my tastes broadened, and I became entranced as I started to read Anne Rice and Laurell K. Hamilton.
IBB: What is the one thing that has helped you develop most as an author?
SS: I’d have to say constructive criticism. Although it’s hated, it’s also needed. I’ve learned much from my writing just by paying attention to what’s said about my works.
IBB: What do you want to achieve most from your writing?
SS: I think most writers want to be a hit. Personally, I would like that, but I also like the achievement of releasing my novel and knowing others are out there reading it.
IBB: Have you received a favorite review of your work?
SS: I don’t have a favorite review. I appreciate all reviews and the time it took for the reader to spend on my story.
IBB: Were there any particular parts of the writing/publishing process that you struggled with?
SS: Most parts of the process are a struggle, but the end result is worth it.
IBB: Is there something specific you do to improve your writing?
SS: Before sending the title to the editor, I read through it 2-3 times. When I’m satisfied with my manuscript, then I send it off. The editor will then go over the initial edit and send it back to me. Once I receive it, I scan the manuscript over another 2-3 times. I find this improves my writing because I can see the differences from the first draft to the final draft.
IBB: What is the ideal relationship between editor and author?
SS: Communication is key. If there’s no communication between the two, then the process won’t go smoothly. I had my fair share of lazy editors, but at the same time, I’ve had some amazing ones. The hard part is finding the perfect fit for you and your writing.
IBB: If you had a direct line to someone who loves or hates your writing, what would you say?
SS: We technically have a direct line to people who read our works, be it through email or social media. I typically don’t say anything unless the reader makes it known to me.
IBB: If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?
SS: Even on the days when you feel like a failure, or there’s no hope left to focus on your writing, don’t give up. It’s hard work but worth the time, especially when you see so many people raving about your book.
IBB: What does your writing future hold for you?
SS: I’ll continue to write even when things get tough. So far, things are looking up.
IBB: How have you set about the task of creating enticing cover art?
SS: I dabble in cover art, and I seek an artist for my covers. It’s about 50/50. Honestly, it isn’t easy finding the perfect cover that sums up the words behind it. An author just knows when the ‘perfect’ cover is staring them in the face.
IBB: How often do you read? What genre?
SS: I probably read more than I write. Reading just takes you to that special place, one where there are no worries or stress. It’s a whole other world! I typically read romance and all sub-genres of romance. I also enjoy Psychological Thrillers, too.
IBB: Before we let you escape, it’s your chance to name-drop. Anyone who you feel is deserving of more recognition at present or someone whose writing you have recently enjoyed? Now is your chance to spread the word…
SS: So many people deserve recognition in the vast sea of authors. A list of great indie writers I’ve read are Bella Emy, S.j. Herrman, Tia Lee, J.L. Leslie, JM Walker, Katherine Dempster, Anna Timperley, Jeremy Simons, Belle Brooks, Renee Harless, Ray Sostre, Lewis Mountford, Autumn Lee, Niki Livingston, Ember-Raine Winters, Alyssa Drake, Lilly Rayman, Bey Tolentino, YM Zachery, Hanleigh Bradley, Rachel de Vine, Lisette Kristensen, Daniella Donati, RB O’Brien, Amber Joi Scott, La Kata EK, H. C. Bentley, Aim Ruivivar, and Kathy-Lynn Cross.
Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Best of luck in the future.
For more on Sarah and her work, please visit: