Providing readers with great Indie Reads across the genres

15-day Book Launch


Here at The Indie Book Butler, we offer Book Launch packages to help you boost your book releases. You can utilize this without joining, or you can do this in addition to our Book Listing pages.

The options, for packages spread across 15 days, are as follows:

Standard: $15


FIVE tweets per day to our audience of over 110,000.

A Book of the Day Post – including a post on our site, promotion across our social media channels, and our pinned tweet for the day on our main twitter account.

A Standard Interview – General questions not uniquely tailored to your book.

Premium: $20


TEN tweets per day to our audience of over 110,000.

A Book of the Day Post – including a post on our site, promotion across our social media channels, and our pinned tweet for the day on our main twitter account.

A Tailored Interview – Specific questions to yourself and your book.

Please be aware we have limited space available, so please do book in advance wherever possible.

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