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The Crossroads of Time

The Crossroads of Time

The Crossroads of Time – African American women’s Fiction

In this contemporary women’s novel, a young college student travels through time and finds herself fighting a historical battle for her very existence. Chloe doesn’t believe in coincidences, so when strange things keep happening in her life, she seeks the help of a Candombl priestess to find out what’s what. She thinks the message of the spirits trying to contact her may have something to do with her desire to do something great with her life. She knows she wants to do something more than what her mother wants her to do—get a good education so she can get a
good job working for someone else. As her visions become more corporal, Chloe gets literally swept out of her 21st century Los Angeles world in the stormy vortex of Oya, the African Orisha of the wind. Oya takes Chloe on a journey through time that throws her into the world of Ayodele, her 19th century ancestor on a Virginia tobacco plantation. Together the two women struggle to achieve more than society expects of them as women and as African Americans. Kindle Google iBooks Kobo Smashwords Website 

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